To Harness the Power of Memories
Memories inspire the greatest artists and inventors as well as drive the most despicable people known to mankind.
While beautiful, memories are also immensely powerful.
This article was written only because of me listening to a song that brought about some memories which made me feel a bit nostalgic. That then prompted me to think how much power memories have.
In a matter of seconds my mood changed, and all of a sudden I had something to write about.
This very well could’ve worked in the reverse. I could’ve been distracted from my writing (or anything else I wanted to do) by memories. Memories can weigh down heavily and drag you down, but memories can also help you fly.
Memories are an amazing tool that is always at your disposal. In your memories you will find valuable lessons, experiences. In your memories you will find yourself, because that is what you are. The present you is a combination of your past selves.
However, it can be just as easy to lose yourself in those memories. That’s why it’s so difficult to harness the power of memories. It’s very tempting to try and repeat those ‘good’ memories or ‘easier’ times, and in that pursuit you’re only ensuring your own suffering and disappointment.
When drawing on those memories, it’s important to know that more often than not, it’s better to not repeat them. It’s important to let memories be memories, because the time you have in the present is limited, but your memories will always stay with you, and you can pass them to someone else to carry.
Hell, you can pass your memories to eternity itself, just write them down, or photograph them, or film them. Preserve them any way you want, and they will always be somewhere for someone to find. Live in the present, and slowly make it into memories. Don’t live in memories and slowly kill them by trying to make them the present.
Harness the power that your memories have, but in your pursuit be careful as to not find yourself losing the future.