Keep It Simple
Life is mostly very complicated. Always something to do, somewhere to be, etc. And I think that’s the way it should be. As a matter of fact, if it wasn’t complicated, the human experience as we know it would be vastly different.
However in the complexity of life, it’s important to keep things simple. Let me elaborate.
No need to get caught up in the complexity of life, you are not hostage to it. As complex as the human experience is, we humans are simple.
What I mean by that is that simple things can vastly improve our day. We’re so much happier when it’s sunny outside. We’re much happier when we’re full rather than hungry. We’re much happier when we have our favorite people around us.
Sure, there’s money and fame to be had in this world. I’m not saying you shouldn’t pursue those, or that those are fruitless pursuits. Pursue whatever the hell you want, but in all your pursuits, remember this.
A sunny day will make you happier if you go out and enjoy it, rather than if you work that extra hour or two. You can always work extra if you want. You can never control how many sunny days are in a year.
A hearty, warm breakfast will do more for you than a coffee and then off to work.
Remember that you can always go and do your own things, but none of those things will ever be as valuable as spending time with those closest to you.
Keep it simple.