No Greatness Without BeliefYou can be the greatest human in the world, however if you don’t believe that, you won’t feel anywhere near the greatest.Dec 5, 20231Dec 5, 20231
Keep It SimpleLife is mostly very complicated. Always something to do, somewhere to be, etc. And I think that’s the way it should be. As a matter of…Dec 2, 20231Dec 2, 20231
Failure Doesn’t Always Mean LossI had set myself a goal to publish an article every day for 30 days, and failed just before the finish line.Nov 30, 20231Nov 30, 20231
Be Responsible For Your PerceptionsI’m sure everyone reading this has at least heard of the fact that you and your perceptions are shaped by your environment.Nov 26, 20232Nov 26, 20232
Riding Out The Storm of ChangeRecently my life was subject to some changes. I moved to a different country (400 km away from home) in search of new horizons, and started…Nov 24, 2023Nov 24, 2023
Run Away From Everything… Like a Stoic“People try to get away from it all — to the country, to the beach, to the mountains. You always wish that you could too. Which is idiotic…Nov 22, 20231Nov 22, 20231
Problems, Problems, ProblemsThat’s how life goes, is it not? Solve a problem, and move on to the next one. While that can be true, I believe it’s a matter of…Nov 21, 20231Nov 21, 20231